Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Be sure to visit my other sites!!!!!

I am a healer, spiritual teacher, light worker, witch, social activist, and artist
Be sure to visit my other works, sites, and projects
they are on a variety of topics from
spiritualty to yoga to money to vegetarian living
all my work are geared towards light, healing, clearing, and growing

My Main Website - www.tennebula.com
The Ten Nebula Empire - 

Performance Arts - www.870208690950392718.weebly.com

All About me....Ten nebula - http://whoistennebula.blogspot.com
Daily Thoughts with Ten Nebula - http://dailythoughtstennebula.blogspot.com/

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Healing with Ten nebula

Ten Nebula (The Trillionairess) is a Goddess Priestess, Reiki Master, Oracle, Channeler, Shamaness and Psychic healer. She creates works dedicated to The Great Mother Goddess and the light & love vibrations.

Ten Nebula Healing Space offers phone sessions, treatments, workshops, and trainings to help you to grow, heal, clear, expand and be happier. We also offer monthly specials, so check out our online calendar. We offer healng work to local and nationwide clients.

*Phone sessions
*Healing treatments
*Group workshops
*Group healings
*Private instruction

Visit for more details.
Private Treatments - www.TheSpiralofTheGoddess.blogspot.com
Workshops & Classes - http://tennebulahealingspace.blogspot.com


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Your donations help to support Ten Nebula's path and work.
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Ways to Support Ten Nebula
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Contact Info
Email me for more info tennebula@gmail.com

Thanks for your support in all forms!!!!

Quotes by Ten nebula

Light runs tings - Quote by Ten nebula

Illusions may scream loudly but they are still illusions.
Quote By Ten nebula

Products by Ten nebula

Great & Exciting News!!!!!!!!

Upcoming products from Ten Nebula 
- New book on health, healing, & spirituality  ( 2020-2022)

- Music CD  (2023-2025)

- Holistic Healing Center ( 2025-2028)

Stay Tuned!!!!!

How May We Help You?

This blog can help you:

1. learn about the power of prayer
2. learn how to pray
3. learn about great prayer resources
4. see great videos on prayerwork

The Basics of Prayer

We are familiar with praying
praying can come in different formats
and it can be used for different reasons
and we can have it directed at different people and situations
my intention is to remind you to use prayer daily

The Benefits of Prayer

Prayer can be used to:

- help one to ground and stay calm
- help one to center their self
- help one with clarity
- help you to get to the truth of a situation
- help you to connect with Spirit / The Universe
- help you to bless yourself and your life
- help you to bless others
- help you to stay in faith
- help you to send light and love to those who need it

Daily Prayer

Daily prayer is really important in our present day culture
there are so many distractions, sounds, people, opinions, and concerns
prayer will help you to bring more clarity to your life
pray in the morning or night or throughout your day

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Who can You Pray For On the Daily Basis?

Here are some helpful suggestions

Make Time to Pray Daily For:
1. yourself and your life
2. your mate or partner
3. your children
4. your family
5. your friends
6. your job, co-workers,
7. neighbors
8. your community
9. your country
10. goverment
11. humanity
12. the earth mother

Prayer Does Make a Difference

Prayer is important
Prayer does make a Difference

It may seem that it is not neccessary or that it is too much
but we live in a spiritual universe and everything is comprised of energy
when you pray for someone or a situation
you send light and love to it and that adds more value to that thing

Bless Humanity and the Earth

Use prayer daily and bless those all around you
our world and humanity needs it
and it does make a huge difference

Use Gratitude in Your Prayer Time

Give thanks on the daily basis to the source
for all the good in your life
and make it a daily pratice
the more yo are grateful,
the more you will have to be grateful for

Learn more, visit "Gratitude: The Art and Practice" -

One Style of Prayer

This is One Way Praying

1. Begin by stating the power you honor
(i.e. Universe, The Goddess, God, Allah, Life, Divine Source, Divine Self,  etc.)

2. State that there is only goodness and divine qualities in the universe (i.e. I know there is only truth, love, peace, harmony, and abundance.)

3. State and declare it that You (or the person or thing you are praying for) is one the divine (i.e. I know that Billy is one with the great power and divine source)

4. State clearly the thing you desire and be detailed and clear
(i.e.more money, peace, safety, higher self-esteem, etc)

5. Say thank you
(i.e. Thank you Great Mother for my new home)

6. Affirm that the prayer has been fulfilled
(i.e. I know this prayer is done, well and now, perfectly and completely)

7. Release and closing
(ie.e I release and let go. In accordance with my highest and greatest good. Let it be so or And so it is)

(Based on The Science of Mind Method)

When Do You Pray?

pray at any time of the day
pray for people
pray for other beings
pray for healing in situations
pray for healing
pray for courage
pray to offer thanks
pray for clarity
pray for guidance

Who Do You Pray To?

You can pray to the divine source, All-That-Is
you can pray to your divine self
you can pray to your higher self
you can pray to your guardian angel
You can pray to whatever being brings you joy, light, and assistance

The Act of Believing and Receiving

Believing involves Acting, Speaking and Thinking as though you have already received what you've asked for.

Receiving involves feeling the way you will feel once your desire has manifested.

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
(Excerpt from Orin and DaBen - www.OrinDaben.com)

Your thoughts have real substance, although your scientific instruments can't yet measure them. You might imagine your thoughts as "magnets." These "magnets" go out into the world and attract the substances that match them; they duplicate themselves in form. Everything around you was a thought in someone's mind before it existed in your reality. Cars, roads, homes, buildings, and cities all existed as thoughts before they became realities.

Your thoughts set up the model of what is to be created, and your emotions energize your thoughts and propel them from your inner world to your outer world. The stronger your emotions are, the more rapidly you create what you are thinking about. Your intent acts to direct your thoughts and emotions, maintaining a steady focus on what you want until you get it.

I focus on what I love
and thus draw it to me.

Because your thoughts set up the model of what you draw to you, it is important to think about what you want rather than what you don't want. You will not get what you want by fearing or hating its opposite. For instance, having money does not come from disliking living in poverty. Whatever you focus on is what you get, for energy follows thought. The more you love having money and abundance, the more you picture it and thus draw it to you.

It is also important to think in positive ways. Positive emotions and thoughts draw what you want to you. Negative emotions do not bring what you want; they bring only what you don't want. Spend quiet, reflective time thinking positively about what you want. When you do not think in higher ways, dwelling on things such as problems, you repel abundance.

Don't feel bad about negative thoughts you have, for fearing or disliking your negative thoughts gives them more power. Respond to negative thoughts as you would to small children who don't know any better; simply smile and show them a better way to be. If you recognize a negative thought, simply place a positive thought alongside it. If, for instance, you catch yourself saying, "I don't have enough money," simply say "I have an abundance of money."

My thoughts are
loving and positive.

Positive thoughts are far more powerful than negative thoughts. One positive thought can cancel out hundreds of negative ones. Your soul stops your lower and negative thoughts from becoming realities unless having them manifest will teach you something that will help you grow. You are loved and protected by your soul and the universe. As your thoughts become higher and more positive, your soul allows more and more of them to manifest. The more you evolve, the more power your thoughts have to create your reality, and the more responsibility you have to think in higher ways.

There are many wonderful tools you can use to learn to think more positively. For instance, you can put light - an image of physical light - into the pictures in your mind. You can practice making negative thoughts fade out or dissolve, and enlarging positive thoughts. Take a moment right now to think of something you want. Select one thought you have had about why you CAN'T have it. Now, imagine that thought fading out, or imagine that thought written on a blackboard that you are erasing, or imagine putting that thought in a balloon and letting it float away. Do whatever occurs to you to remove that thought from your reality.

Now, create a thought about why you CAN have it. See that thought written out; put white light around it. Imagine someone reading the thought to you in a beautiful voice. Create a mental image of receiving or having what you want. Make the image so real you can almost touch, smell, see, and feel it. Make the image bigger, so that you are standing in the image rather than just observing it. By making your negative thoughts fade out, you take away their power to create your reality. By making your positive thoughts more vivid and real, you increase their ability to create what you want.

There is great power in repeating the thought of something you want over and over. When you got something you wanted in the past you probably thought about it frequently. Repetition firmly implants the idea of what you want to create in your subconscious, and it goes about bringing you what you think about. You want the thought to be definite and unwavering. Affirmations are positive thoughts that are repeated over and over. As you repeat them, they go directly to your subconscious where they begin to manifest as your reality. Affirm what you want in present terms, such as, "I have unlimited abundance," and repeat your positive statements frequently

Manifesting What You want

We are all created from energy... everything is. In this Universe, like attracts like. That is one of the universal laws. In order for us to attract something in the external world to us, we must have it already residing in our internal world (in our hearts, aura, mind, and belief system). This makes manifesting easier.

There are many ways to attract what you want to you (i.e. money, loving relationships, health, great job, spiritual awareness, etc). You can either do it the hard way which is through the ego and requires force, hard work, lots of time, and effort. Or we can attract what we want to us by changing our beliefs, doing prayer and energywork, having faith, believing our ourselves and taking the right actions.

Here are some steps to help you attract and manifest what you truly desire:
(Recommended Resouces for Manifesting work: The Law of Attraction by Jerry & Ester Hicks and Creating Money by Sonaya Roman)

1. Continually strenthen your connection to your soul and divine self, the source of all your abundance and supply.

2. Be patient.

3. Refuse doubts. Don't engage in negative thinking, this postpones the good that is coming to you.

4. Express gratitude. Giving thanks and apprectiation for all you have makes you magnetic to more.

5. Focus on what you have, not what you are lacking. Energy follows thought. Whatever you focus on increases.

6. Practice, Practice, Practice.

7. Listen to your intuition. Be open and receptive to new ideas.

8. Trust and believe in yourself. You have all you need within you to succeed. Let yourself and not others be the authority of what is right for you.

9. Be Open to change! Embrace whatever happens as a gift and opportunity rather than a problem.

(Steps are taken from the Orin & Daben Newsletter)

Learn more, visit "How to Create What You Love, Want, & Enjoy" - http://creatingandmanifesting.blogspot.com/

Ways to Energize Your Intentions

1. repetitious thinking
2. journaling
3. prayer
4. visualizing
5. affirmations
6. focus on feeling it

Simple steps of The Law of Attraction (LOA)

The Law of Attraction (LOA)

1. Ask - Identify and be clear about what you want

2. Believe - Expect that the Universe/God/Spirit answers

3. Receive - Allow and be grateful AS IF you have already received what you want

Learn more, visit "Universal Laws with Ten Nebula" -

The Art of Non-Attachment

Non-attachment means setting an intention
and trusting that it will manifest at the right time
and in the right way

It means trusting that the universe will take care of the details and
guide you to do the right actions when neccessary

Non-attachment means allowing things to unfold
with out worry, fear, doubt, and anxiety

Set the intention to use non-attachment in your everyday life
You can use it to create anything you need

Prosperity Prayer

Universe, Great Mother, who is in and through all,

I am surrounded by right action. I am filled with the consciousness of right action. Right action is success in all that I undertake to do. I am successful in all my undertakings, and I am compensated for all my efforts. I am surrounded by Substance, which is always taking the form of supply and always manifesting Itself to me in the form of whatever my need may be at the time.

And so it is!!!!

Learn more, visit
Money, Abundance & Spirit -

"10 Million Lightworkers for Financial Freedom" Project - http://10millionlightworkers.wordpress.com/

Millionaires, Billionaires, Trillionaires......Oh My!!!!! - http://millionairebillionairetrillionaire.blogspot.com/


Prayer for spiritual growth

Universe, Great Mother, who is in and through all,

I know that there is only the Divine and it is in and through all things. It is my source. I make the commitment to heal and clear myself, to grow and to expand. I ask my Christ and Divine self to work with me on the daily basis, so I may know my true self, spiritual purpose, and life's work. I am divinely guided and protected now and I allow it to be.

Thank you Goddess for all your many blessings!

In accordance with the highest and greatest good and according to free will.

And so it is!!!!!!!

Learn more, visit "Healthier Living, Healthier Being" -

Prayer for Money

Universe, Great Mother, who is in and through all,

I am a money magnet. Money flows through me and to me, easily and effortlessly. The Goddess is the source of my supply. Whatever I give, is returned to me, heap up, pressed down, and running over.

Thank you Goddess for all your many blessings!

In accordance with the highest and greatest good and according to free will.

And So it is!!!!!!

Learn more, visit
"Money, Abundance & Spirit" -

"10 Million Lightworkers for Financial Freedom" Project - http://10millionlightworkers.wordpress.com/

Millionaires, Billionaires, Trillionaires......Oh My!!!!! - http://millionairebillionairetrillionaire.blogspot.com/

Prayer for a loving relationship

Universe, Great Mother, who is in and through all,

I declare it that I have the perfect partner/mate in my life, right now. They are loving, respectful, kind, and generous. They honor me and they take great care of their own lives. My perfect mate/partner is aligned with my highest good and standards. I trust that they will enter into my life at the right time and in the right way.

Thank you Goddess for all your many blessings!

In accordance with the highest and greatest good and according to free will.

And so it is!!!!!!

Learn more, visit "Honoring Your Divine & Sacred Sexuality" - http://divinesacredsexuality.blogspot.com/

Prayer for perfect health

Universe, Great Mother, who is in and through all,

I declare it that I have perfect divine health, right now. My body is blessed and strong. I honor my body and all its many functions and I love all my cells. My body serves me well and I take excellent care of it on all levels of being.

Thank you Goddess for all your many blessings!

In accordance with the highest and greatest good and according to free will.

And so it is!!!!!!!

Learn more, visit "Healthier Living, Healthier Being" -

Prayer for perfect work

Universe, Great Mother, who is in and through all,

I declare it that I have my new perfect employment and right work in my life right now. I know that it is in the perfect field, has the perfect pay, offers great benefits, has kind co-workers and management that cares about their employees. I know that my new job will enter into my life in ease and effortlessness.

Thank you Goddess for all your many blessings!

In accordance with the highest and greatest good and according to free will.

And so it is!!!!

Learn more, visit "Do What You Love For Your Livelihood" - http://www.agatheringofartists.blogspot.com

Prayer for Your Country

Universe, Great Mother, Who is in and through all,

I ask and intend that the Universe blesses my country with ample amounts of jobs and food, fair wages, equal rights, satisfactory public schools, great healthcare available to all citizens, wise and healthy politicians, a fruitful economy, and affordable housing for all. In accordance with the highest and greates good.

Thank you Goddess for all your many blessings!

In accordance with the highest and greatest good and according to free will.

Let it be so.........

Prayer for Women (Worldwide)

Universe, Great Mother Goddess, who is in and through all,

I know for all women that they honor themselves, their bodies, their wombs, their truthes, and their lives. I know that all women are willing to heal themselves, hold higher standards in their lives, and to move forward in a place of trust, truth, and love. Great Mother, Bless all women with strength, kindess, abundance, and health. May they remember their life's work, divine heritage, and spiritual purpose.

And so it is!!!!

Learn more, visit
The Ways of The Goddess - http://thewaysofthegoddess.blogspot.com/
Mythology of the Goddess - http://goddessmythsandlegends.blogspot.com/
Sacred Teachings About The Goddess Craft - http://www.tennebula.wordpress.com
Goddess Mystery School with Priestess Ten nebula - http://goddessmysteryschool.wordpress.com/
I am...The Great Mother Goddess - http://thegoddesstruthes.blogspot.com
The Goddess Archetypes - http://goddessarchetypes.blogspot.com/
The Divine Nature of The Goddess - http://divinegoddessnature.blogspot.com/

Prayer for Humanity

Great Mother Goddess, Universe, Who is in and through all,
I know that there is only truth, light, love, peace, harmony, and abundance.

I know for all people on the planet Earth that they are all blessed, happy, healthy, clear, doing their life's work, taking care of all aspects of their lives, helping to serve humanity's highest good, healing and clearing themselves and creating lives filled with miracles.

I know for every country on the earth that there is abundance, equality, truth and wisdom in all the goverments, plenty of jobs & food & housing for all, honoring of the arts & our diverse cultures, respect for the Earth Mother and her resources, respect for women and the sacred womb, and proper use of money to help all's highest and greatest good.

Thank you Great Mother for all your goodness and love.
I know and declare it that all is well.

In accordance with the highest and greatest good and according to free will.
I release and let go and know that this prayer will accomplish and all is done well and now, perfectly and completely.

And so it is!!!!!

Prayer for Men

Universe, Great Mother, who is in and through all,

I declare all the men of the planet are healthy. I declare it that honor and love themselves. I declare it that they open to the divine will. I declare it that they honor their feminine energy within themselves. I declare it that more men each and everyday work towards living in a life of light, joy, and goodness.

Thank you Goddess for all your many blessings!

In accordance with the highest and greatest good and according to free will.

And so it is!!!!!

Prayer for Our Goverment

Universe, Great Mother, who is in and through all,

Bless my country's goverment.
Bless all the members with wisdom and clarity.
Bless all the work being done by my goverment with light.
May all of our resources, money and taxes be used in wise and healthy ways that helps us to further align with the divine will.
May all that is done there everyday come from a place of peace, harmony, and divine balance.

Thank you Goddess for all your many blessings!

In accordance with the highest and greatest good and according to free will.

And so it is!!!!

Other Metaphysical Tools You Can Use

( ) Active Prayerwork
( ) Positive affirmations
( ) Chanting

Endings for Your Prayer - 1

From the science of mind,
you can use this ending for your prayers

I release and let go,
knowing all is done,
well and know,
perfecting and completely.

And so it is......

Ending For Your Prayer - 2

There is a great ending from pagan writer
It helps to keep everything clear in alignment with free will

Marion Weinstein
Book "Positive Magic"

I ask for these things, their equilvalent or better
according to free will, harming none,
and in accordance with the highest and greatest good.

So must it be!!!!

Becoming a better human being

Spiritual Tips cheatsheet created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)
The Ten Nebula Empire

Tips for people to become healthier, better human beings
1. Use active prayer & clear intention to create your reality
2. Drink lots of water
3. Create a daily spiritual practice
4. Get daily exercise
5. Get monthly healing arts treatments/Alternative Medicine
6. Create an altar in your home and work space
7. Get clear about your dreamtime
8. Study the universal laws
9. Be pro-active in your shadow work (dealing with your ego)
10. Strive to become more of your authentic self
11. Spend 1-hour out in nature everyday
12. Get plenty of sleep (at least 8 hours) every night
13. Eat well. Eat foods that are healthy and whole.
14. Give to others on the monthly basis (i.e. donate, volunteer, karma yoga)

Tips for Alternative/Eastern Medicine/ Holistic Health Centers & Practitioners
1.Go Green – purchase recycle paper for the office, use green cleaning products, compost, & recycle

2. Encourage staff to cultivate a daily spiritual practice. Learn more http://adailyspiritualpractice.blogspot.com/

3. Have clear, transparent communication with the public – use websites, offer an info email address, use contact boxes,  have phone numbers, clear business hours, fax numbers, staff directory

4. Donate and support U.S. non-profits (with annual reports & seals) on the monthly or annual basis

5. Use social media to promote your work, centers, businesses, books, films, modalities, workshops, etc.

6. Encourage and support alternative medicine/ Eastern medicines to get clinical trials so they are more accepted by the American public (Ex: Dr. Michael Gregor - https://nutritionfacts.org/

7. Align with and use best business practices & protocols for safety & efficiency– like cameras, job acceptance letters, ADP, termination letters, etc.

Additional Resources - Learn more ways to heal yourself by visiting

Recommended Books & Resources

1. Centers for Spiritual Living (focus on active prayer)
2. Churchs of Religious Science (focus on active prayer)
3. Books by Ernest Holmes
4. Science of Mind magazine

Tools for Light Beings & Light Workers
Earth by Barbara Marciniak
The Pleiadian Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin
Spiritual Growth by Sonaya Roman
The Mayan Oracle By Spilsbury & Bryner

Spiritual Books for Healing
Hands of Light By Barbara Brennan
You Can Heal your life By Louise May
The Amazing Power of Delibrate Intent by Esther and Jerry Hicks
The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts
The Power of Now by Erkhart Tolle
Change your mind and your life will follow by Karen Casey
Be Yourself by Mike Robbins
How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger

Ten Nebula works & contributions

The Ten Nebula Empire - https://tennebula.weebly.com/
Ten Nebula Performance Arts - https://870208690950392718.weebly.com/

Spiritual Teachers & Centers
NY Open Center - https://www.opencenter.org/
Omega Institute - https://www.eomega.org/

Daily Messages of Inspiration

Learn more, visit "The Ten Nebula Resource Library" - 

Special Thanks to The Divine Source

Thank You Goddess for my life
Thank You Goddess for my body
Thank You Goddess for my home
Thank You Goddess for my amazing work
Thank You Goddess for all my clients & fans
Thank You Goddess for all my successful businesses
Thank You Goddess for all my money
Thank You Goddess for my spiritual family & friends
Thank You Goddess for my health
Thank You Goddess for my courage
Thank You Goddess for being able to help others daily
Thank You Goddess for my path
Thank You Goddess for all the light & love in my life
Thank You Goddess for being me
Thank You Goddess to my past, present and future
Thank You Goddess for all that I am and all that I have
Ten nebula

Contact Me

Site created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)
The Miracle of Active Prayer - 

Ten Nebula is a Goddess Priestess, Reiki Master, Oracle, Channeler, Shamaness and Psychic healer.

Please feel free to contact me............
We offer phone sessions, healing treatments, group workshops and workshops.
I am also available to teach & facilitate workshops around the U.S.


Contact me: Tennebula@gmail.com

Make time to "Like Us" on Facebook

Find Ten nebula on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin, and Youtube.

Thank You to All Our Clients!!!!
Thank you for your business & support!!!!

Blessed be!!!!!